
TSPSC FBO Results 2017 TS (FBO) Forest Beat Officer Cut Off Score Discussion


TSPSC FBO Result 2017. Check TS Forest Beat Officer Results at Discuss TS FBO Cut Off Score/ Cutoff Marks below.


Telangana State Public Service Commission has commenced the Examination for the Forest Beat Officer on October 29. The Board had prepared the examination centres in 10 Cities in Telangana State. According to the reports, more than 2 lakh candidates had appeared in the written examination.

Now, as the exam has been completed the candidates have started to look for the Minimum FBO Cut off score/ Cutoff marks for the FBO examination. Though, the board has already mentioned that the candidates have to secure at least 40 percent marks in written examination to become eligible for the next stage of the Recruitment.

Although, Scoring exact 40 marks in the written exam doesn’t make one eligible for the next stage. The candidates scoring their names in merit list would be called up for the walking test. So the Minimum Cut Off score could go beyond 60 Marks.

We are starting a Live Poll for the Qualification Score here. The aspirants of the FBO exam can take part in the Poll and vote their Expected marks so that we can have an idea of the FBO Cut Off Score.

TS Forest Beat Officer (FBO) Results Discussion

The aspirants can discuss anything related to the TS FBO Exam Result and the FBO Cut Off Score. Our Comment section is always open for the discussion. The comments will be published as soon as you hit the submit comment button available below. Also, make sure to type your name and email in desired fields to make it easy.

Exam Authority TSPSC
Exam Date 29 October 2017
Exam Name FBO/ Forest Beat Officer
Number of Posts 1857
Result Date Expected in November Last week
Official Website

The candidates who get declared qualified in the written examination will be called up for the Walking Test and Document Verification in the Next stage of the Recruitment.

TSPSC FBO Selection Process:

(1) Written Examination:

The candidates will have to undergo a written examination for the Forest Beat Officer Recruitment 2017. The candidates who pass the written examination will be called for the next step of the recruitment. The written exam may be Computer Based or OMR Sheet Based it totally depends upon the consent of the examination board.

Note:- The minimum qualifying marks for Selection are OCs 40%, BCs 35% SCs and STs 30%. The minimum qualifying marks are relaxable in the case of SC/ST/BC at the discretion of the Commission.

(2) Walking Test:

This is the second step in the Telangana PSC FBO Recruitment 2017 process.The candidates who pass the written exam successfully will be called for the walking test. The walking test is qualifying in nature. The candidates have to complete the walking in the given time.

  1. In the case of the Male candidates, a distance of 25 KM walking is to be completed in the duration of 4 hours.
  2. In the case of Female candidates, a distance of 16 KM walking is to be completed in the duration of 4 hours.

Note:- The walking test is only a physical endurance test and it will not carry any marks as it is qualifying in nature. The marks of the walking test will not be counted in the final merit list of TSPSC Telangana Forest Beat Officer Recruitment 2017.

(3) Medical Test:

This is the final step in the TSPSC FBO Recruitment 2017. A Candidate must have an (a) Physical Requirements and (b) A Normal EYESIGHT Certificate issued by the medical officer, not below the rank of Civil Assistant Surgeon which is required to be submitted to the commission at the time certificate evaluation.The candidates have to undergo a medical fitness examination conducted by the Medical Board.

TSPSC FBO Exam Result Process

The first step after conducting the examination is releasing the Answer Key. The Board would upload the FBO Answer Key at the official website.

The candidates can challenge the answer key if any of the answers in the key is incorrect. After getting the objections, the Board prepares the Final answer key. The TSPSC FBO Result will be based on the Final Answer Key.

In this process, the candidates take part directly in preparing the Results.

The TSPSC Forest Beat Officer Result 2017 will be published on the Official Website of the TSPSC. The Official Website for this purpose is

We are providing a direct detail to visit the official website and see the detail. Furthermore, We are writing an easy method to check your Result and Marks here. Please follow the instructions properly.

How do we check TSPSC FBO Results?
  • First of all, visit the official website detail available below
  • Then, . the detail Named Results, Key, OMR get
  • A new Page will open up
  • . the Forest Beat Officer detail
  • Enter Your application ID & Pass to get the Results displayed on the screen

137 thoughts on “TSPSC FBO Results 2017 TS (FBO) Forest Beat Officer Cut Off Score Discussion”

  1. Sir,

    I requesting you, please give chance to all the minimum qualified persons for the next level,
    because long walk and medical test are depending up on their fitness only.
    how many members are applicable for those we dont know….

  2. I am getting 91 marks belongs to Medak district of BC-B category. Please tell me Is there any chance of qualifying for walking test

  3. I am getting 83 (paper 1: 44, paper 2: 39), Caste: BC(E), District: Khammam. Is there any chance for getting qualify for walking test?

  4. Hi sir. I’m veerabhadram from khammam dt. I got 123 marks in FBO ( paper1: 63 & paper2: maths 60 ). Any chance for next level. Reply.

  5. My name is sravan from Warangal…I’m belongs to ST category…I got 110 marks in FBO…I will have any chance for walking test ..

    • I’m anuradha.options lo correct answer lekapothe manaki marks vostaya. Like key lo none ane answer undi ala unte manaki Marks vostada.plz reply

  6. I got marks in Paper 1: 34 , paper 2: 33. and i have NCC ‘B’ certificate. cast ‘SC’. Is there any chance for second Level.

  7. Igot marks in paper 1 : 64
    Paper 2 : 39
    Is there any changes for qualifing walking test from these marks.
    Caste : Bc.D
    Dist : rangareddy


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