karforest Hall Ticket 2020 KFD Forest Guard Admit Card & Written Exam Date

KFD Hall Ticket 2020 | Karnataka Forest Guard Exam Admit Card 2020 | KARForest Forest Guard Hall Ticket |

Karnataka Forest Department (KFD) is expected to conduct the written examination for Forest Guard (FG) posts in August 2020. The exam date for the same has not been released yet. The Karforest Forest Guard Hall Tickets will be released on the official website 7 days prior to the exam date. Therefore, Get KFD Hall Ticket through the direct detail given on this page.

In March 2020, the Karnataka Forest Department has released a notification for the recruitment of Forest Guard (339 Posts) on its official website. The online application registration process ends on 17 April 2020. After that, the recruitment board will organize written examination and further recruitment phases.

KFD Karforest Forest Guard Hall Ticket 2020 & Exam Date

Recruitment Authority Karnataka Forest Department (KFD)
Name & Number of Posts
  • Forest Guard (FG) – 339
Job Location Karnataka
Written Examination Date Yet to be released
KFD Forest Guard / DRFO Hall Ticket Availability 7 days before the exam date
Website https://kfdrecruitment.in/

KFD Forest Guard Exam Date

A massive number of candidates applied for the above said Kar Forest Department jobs. The postulates are eagerly waiting for the written exam dates and further schedule. The aspirants who submitted their applications successfully will be able to Get the KFD Forest Guard Hall Tickets seven days prior to the exam date. The candidates must possess the application registration details with them in order to Get the KFD Forest Guard Hall Ticket 2020.

KFD Forest Guard Selection Process

The Karnataka Forest Department will finalize the selection of candidates on Forest Guard and DRFO posts on the basis of their performance in written test and interview. The written test is expected to be held in 2021.

The KFD Forest Guard Exam Date will be revealed on the official website and notice on the official website. Aspirants are advised to visit the official website regularly for updates on KFD Forest Guard Recruitment 2020.

Kar Forest Department FG / DRFO Hall Ticket Details

The KFD Forest Guard Hall Ticket will consist of details about the candidates like roll number, name, photograph, exam venue details and exam timings, etc printed on it. The candidates are advised to check the KFD Forest Guard Hall Ticket 2020.

If any error or mistake exists, the postulates are advised to contact the examination authority’s regional office before the exam date.

General Instructions: The candidates must follow the instructions given by the examination authority. Postulates are strictly prohibited to bring electronic gadgets with them at the time of the exam. Aspirants must arrive at the examination center before the exam time.

KFD Forest Guard Admit Card Get detail

A direct detail to Get KFD Forest Guard Hall Ticket 2020 is given below. The detail will be activated as and when the exam date and admit cards are released by the recruitment authority.

Get KFD Forest Guard / DRFO Hall Ticket 2020

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