Maha Forest Hall Ticket 2019 MahaPariksha Forest Guard Exam Date

Maha Forest Department, Maharashtra has initiated recruitment for various posts of Forest Guards. The online applications are invited from eligible candidates for filling up 900 vacancies. The authority is expected to organize the written exam for these posts in May-June 2019 (Tentative). For the same, the Mahaforest hall tickets/admit cards (for forest guard) will be released on the official web portal i.e. about 15 days prior to the examination date. The candidates will be able to get the Maha Forest Hall Ticket from the E-Mahapariksha Portal by using the application registration number and password.

22 june: Registered users can get revenue department talathi hall ticket.

Update: Registered user login detail available now to get Maha forest guard Hall ticket.

The department has released a recruitment notice for 900 Forest Guard posts in the Forest Department of Maharashtra. The eligible candidates can apply online from the official portal until 03/02/2019. After that, the written test and physical test will be held.

Mahapariksha Forest Guard Hall Ticket/ Admit Card

Examination Authority Maha Forest Department, Maharashtra
Post Name Forest Guard
Number of Vacancies 900
Application Date January 2019
Selection Method
  • Written Test
  • Physical Test
Examination Date June 2019 (See your Admit Card)

The board will release the Mahapariksha Forest Guard Hall Ticket on the official web portal before the Preliminary Exam. The schedule will be released on the official portal very soon. The authority has released the syllabus for these posts. Here, the aspirants can check the examination scheme and paper pattern for the said exam.

Maha Forest Guard Examination Scheme – Paper Pattern

The board will conduct a written examination having multiple choice objective type questions based on various subjects like General Knowledge, Reasoning, Marathi and English.

Sr. No. Subject Marks Time Duration
1. General Knowledge 30 2 Hours
2. Reasoning 30
3. Marathi 30
4. English 30

Mahapariksha Forest Guard Admit Card Details

The Maha Forest Guard Hall Ticket/ Maha Forest Guard Admit Card will consist of details like candidate’s name, registration number, photograph, exam venue, exam date and time etc printed on it. Aspirants must check the admit card print details properly.

The candidates are referred to bring a valid printout of the Mahapariksha Forest Hall Ticket with them at the time of exam. As per the instructions, the authority will not send the admit card through postal service. The candidates without hall ticket print will not be allowed to enter the examination centre.

In addition, the candidates must bring a valid photo identity card among aadhar card, pan card, driving license, passport, school/college identity card etc with them.

How to get Maha Forest Guard Hall Ticket 2019:

  • Visit the official website of Mahapariksha.
  • . on the detail named Forest Guard Recruitment 2019.
  • Find the detail for Forest Guard Hall Ticket get .
  • . on the detail and fill the required information correctly.
  • Check the filled details and . on submit button.
  • Finally, get and take a printout of the hall ticket print for further use.

159 thoughts on “Maha Forest Hall Ticket 2019 MahaPariksha Forest Guard Exam Date”

  1. sir my application id not match please help me my exam date 18 jun 2019
    am i not remember witch division apply form please help me


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