
MPMKVVCL ARO Result 2017 Merit List

MPMKVVCL ARO result 2017. MPKVV Bhopal ARO merit list. MP Asstt Revenue Officer Cut off Scores

Here is a good news for the candidates who have appeared in the written examination for various posts of Assistant Revenue Officers in MPKVV Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh). The board will announce the final result on 20/03/2017. Therefore, check your MPKVV ARO result 2017 through the detail given below.

Recently, In January 2017, Madhya Pradesh Madhya Kshetra Vidyut Vitaran (MPMKVVCL), Bhopal has released notification for recruitment to the 225 posts of Assistant Revenue Officers. To Make the selection of eligible candidates, MPMKVVCL has recently organized an online competitive exam on February 19, 2017. Now, check your MPCZ ARO result on the official website.

MPKVV ARO result 2017

Name of the organizationMPMKVVCL
Name of PostAssistant Revenue Officer (ARO)
Number of posts225
Written test commencement date19/02/2017
MPKVV ARO result declaration date20/03/2017
Official website

MPKVV ARO result 2017

A huge number of candidates appeared for the MPCZ ARO written test. The candidates who have been part of the written test are eagerly waiting for the results. As per the information, the board is going to declare the ARO result on the official website on 20 March 2017.

The aspirants can check their MPMKVVCL ARO result here by using the registration number and date of birth. The board will publish the MP ARO result in pdf file format also. The candidates can check their respective result by using Ctrl+F in the pdf file.

We will upload the MPKVV ARO result on this page. The direct detail will be activated as and when the result is announced on the board’s authorized website. The candidates are advised to keep visiting this website for latest recruitment notifications in MP.

MPCZ Asstt Revenue Officer Merit List & Cutoff Scores

The board will upload the Merit list on the same website. Candidates can get the merit list from the website to check the detailed marks. The selection of the candidates will be made on basis of minimum required marks in the written test and performance in Personal Interview. The candidates who secure the required marks will be called for the personal interview and documentation process.

The Cut off marks will be finalized by the board’s exam authority. As we know, cut off depends on several factors like the number of total vacancies, the number of appeared candidates and various categories, etc. The cut-off marks for various category candidates. The scores will be announced through a notification on the board’s website.

How to check the MPPKVVCL ARO result 2017:

  • Visit the official website i.e.
  • Find the detail for Assistant Revenue Officer (ARO) result 2017
  • A direct detail for the same is given below
  • Fill the required details like registration number & Date of birth
  • . on the proceed button
  • Finally, check your respective MPKVV ARO result 2017

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