
NCL Northern Coal Fields 700 Graduate & Technician Apprentice Trainee Online Form 2023


700 posts for the GAT and TAT Apprentice have been released by the NCL Limited company. The NCL Limited company will recruit the contenders for the Apprentice Trainee posts based on a merit list. They will permit the engineers and diploma holders to participate in the NCL Limited Apprentice vacancy 2023. The aspired contenders can submit their forms for the GAT/TAT posts before the 03rd of August 2023. 

Notification Summary: NCL Northern Coal Fields Recruitment 2023 

Name of Authority NCL Northern Coal Fields
Apply Online Begin Date 20th July 2023
Posts Name Graduate & Technician Apprentice Trainee Posts 
Apply Online End Date 03rd August 2023
Website detail
Number of Posts 700 Posts 

Entire Facts: NCL Northern Coal Fields Notification 2023

Vacancy Info:

  1. GAT Apprentice/Madhya Pradesh Region- 225 Posts
  2. GAT Apprentice/Uttar Pradesh Region- 155 Posts
  3. TAT Apprentice/Madhya Pradesh Region- 153 Posts
  4. TAT Apprentice/Uttar Pradesh Region- 167 Posts

Educational Qualifications:

The contenders can apply for the NCL Limited Apprentice seats if they have passed the BTech or Diploma in Engg in the relevant subjects. 

Selection Technique:

The contenders are guided to show the marks of the Btech degree or Diploma carefully in the NCL Limited form as it will be the base criteria for the selection.

Website detail:

Application Cost:

The contenders are said to visit the NCL company advertisement for checking more details about the GAT/TAT posts.

Notification Pdf:

Age Bars:

The contenders who are in the age range of more than 18 years and less than 26 years can apply for the GAT and TAT posts in the NCL Limited.

Pay Ranking:

  1. GAT Apprentice/MP Region Posts- Rupees 9000
  2. GAT Apprentice/UP Region Posts- Rupees 9000
  3. TAT Apprentice/MP Region Posts- Rupees 8000
  4. TAT Apprentice/UP Region Posts- Rupees 8000

How to Apply For NCL Northern Coal Fields Notification

  1.  Select the post name from GAT or TAT.
  2. Then fill out the NCL application form with all the details like marks, etc.
  3. Fix the docs with the NCL form.
  4. Submit it. 


Q. What stipend will be given to the TAT post in Northern Coal Fields?
A. The diploma holders will get a stipend of Rupees 8000 at NCL. 
Q. What stipend will be given to the GAT post in Northern Coal Fields?
A. The degree holders will get a stipend of Rupees 9000 at NCL. 

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