
NCL Northern Coalfield Limited 150 Assistant Foreman Online Form 2024


The career page of Northern Coalfield Limited has been updated by posting a new job notice for 150 seats. A huge number of positions are given for Assistant Foreman seats. The Northern Coalfield Limited is looking for engineers and diploma holders to apply for the assistant foreman seats. The applicants who meet other job requirements also for the Northern Coalfield Limited jobs can submit the forms online. The registration process of Northern Coalfield Limited has begun on 15/01/2024 and the deadline to deposit the forms for the Assistant Foreman seat is 05/02/2024. 


NCL Northern Coalfield Limited Notification 2024 

Name of Dept. NCL Northern Coalfield Limited
Apply Online Start Date 15/01/2024
Seat Name Assistant Foreman Seats
Apply Online Last Date 05/02/2024
Website Details
Number of Seats 150 Seats

NCL Northern Coalfield Limited Notification 2024 

Vacancy Information:

  1. Assis Foreman/Grade C/Trainee/E&T- 09 Seats
  2. Assis Foreman/Grade C/Trainee/Mechanical- 59 Seats
  3. Assis Foreman/Grade C/Trainee/Electrical- 82 Seats

Educational Qualifications:

The individuals who have attended the recognized college/school/ board and passed the BE/BTech Degree/ Diploma in Engg can fill out the forms for the Northern Coalfield Limited Assistant Foreman vacancies.

Selection Approach:

The Northern Coalfield Limited will conduct a CBT-based paper for preparing the merit list for the Assistant Foreman seats.


Application Cost:

  • For GEN/EWS/OBC Class -Apply by submitting the fee of INR 1180
  • For SC/ST/PWD/ESM Class – No Fees are required to submit for Northern Coalfield Limited jobs

Age Standards:

The Northern Coalfield Limited will hire individuals for the Assistant Foreman posts from the age group of 18 years to 30 years. 

Pay Grade:

The Northern Coalfield Limited will provide the salary package in the band of INR 47330 PM to the chosen individuals on the Assiatnt Foreman seat. 

How to Apply For NCL Northern Coalfield Limited Notification

  1. The individuals should look at the pdf of the Northern Coalfield Limited for the Assistant Foreman posts.
  2. Verify the details of the eligibility for the Assistant Foreman vacancy and study the instructions to apply online.
  3. Enter the details in the Assiatnt Foreman application form.
  4. Attach the docs/pics with the Northern Coalfield Limited form.
  5. Submit the Assistant Foreman post form on time. 

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