
Odisha Fireman, Driver Fireman 941 Posts Online Form 2023


The Odisha govt has required applications from qualified contenders for 941 seats. The vacancy is given for the posts of Driver and Fireman in the Odisha govt. The contenders should have completed their 12th class for applying for the Fireman posts in the Odisha govt. The Odisha govt has initiated the online submission for the Fireman/Driver posts from 01st September 2023. You should read the full notification details given before applying for the Odisha govt jobs. The online portal will shut down on 30th September 2023 for the Odisha govt jobs. 


Notification Summary: Odisha Fireman, Driver Fireman Recruitment 2023 

Name of Authority Odisha 
Apply Online Begin Date 01st September 2023
Posts Name Fireman and Driver Fireman Posts 
Apply Online End Date 30th September 2023
Website detail
Number of Posts 941 Posts 

Entire Facts: Odisha Fireman, Driver Fireman Notification 2023

Vacancy Info:

  1. Fireman- 826 Posts 
  2. Driver Fireman- 115 Posts 

Educational Qualifications:

The contenders must represent the information of their 12th class in the online application form of the Odisha govt for the posts of Driver and Fireman. 

Selection Technique:

The contenders are required to prepare for the written exam, physical exam, and a docs verification round in the end for the posts of Fireman and Driver in the Odisha govt.

Application Cost:

The contenders need not submit any payment for applying for Fireman and another vacancy in the Odisha govt. 



Age Bars:

The contenders should follow the age group of 18 years and up to a max age of 25 years for the posts of Driver and Fireman in Odisha govt. 

Pay Ranking:

The chosen contenders in the Odisha govt will be offered a salary package of Rupees 19900. 

How to Apply For Odisha Fireman, Driver Fireman Notification

  1. The form will be submitted online, go to the detail.
  2. Enter the info in the Odisha govt form.
  3. Upload the docs/photo in the Fireman/Driver form.
  4. Submit the Fireman/Driver post form.


Q. How to apply for the Fireman and Driver Fireman posts in the Odisha govt?
A. The Odisha govt will accept the applications online for the Fireman and other posts. 
Q. What is the qualification needed to submit the form for the Fireman and Driver Fireman posts in the Odisha govt?
A. A person must have passed the 12th class in order to apply for the Fireman and Driver vacancy form. 

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