
OPEPA SS Merit List 2018 Check opepa SS Select List/ Draft List/Merit List


Opepa Merit List online Odisha OPEPA SS result 2018 Check Shikshya Sahayak Merit list. Opepa SS Select List/ Draft List official website detail


Odisha Primary Education Programme Authority (OPEPA) Recruitment Notification for 14087 Sikshya Sahayaks (5044 Backlog Vacancy + 9043 Fresh Vacancy) Post has been announced on official website. As the registration process is over, now the authority is on the way to publish Merit list of the candidates selected on the basis of Merit. The merit list will be published on its official website i.e. within 15 days. The candidates can get and check the OPEPA SS Merit List / Select List on very soon.

Update nov 6: Please see the detail below for 2nd provisional Merit list

OPEPA SS (शिक्षा सहायक) Merit List / Select list 2016-2017

Exam Authority OPEPA
Exam Name Shiksha Sahayak
Number of posts 14087
OPEPA Merit List availability updated
Official Website

OPEPA Merit List 2017

In the notification, the Government of Odisha School & Mass Education Department approved 9043 Fresh vacancies along with 5044 Backlog vacancies. So, online applications were invited for total 14087 vacancies of Shiksha Sahayaks in Primary Schools of the state of Odisha.

As per the notification, the candidates will be selected only on basis of Merit List i.e. percentage of marks. Shiksha Sahayaks will be engaged in each Revenue District by the Zila Parishad by a selection committee. The engagement will be on annual contract basis. The contract will be renewed in subsequent years depending upon the performance of the candidates.

OPEPA District Wise Draft Merit List 2017

The committee will shortlist the candidates on basis of merit list. The draft list prepared by the district authorities will be published on official website. The candidates will be called for document verification at the district level. The schedule will be published shortly. District Wise Post wise merit list will be published on OPEPA website.

We will upload the OPEPA district wise and post wise merit list here on this page. The candidates can check the Draft Select List very soon.

How to get OPEPA SS Draft Merit List 2017:

  • Visit the official website i.e.
  • Find the detail for OPEPA Shiksha Sahayak Merit List
  • Fill the required details like application number & password
  • get the SS Select list 2017
  • Finally, check your respective result

8,936 thoughts on “OPEPA SS Merit List 2018 Check opepa SS Select List/ Draft List/Merit List”

  1. Dear CT Bed job aspirant kindly join strike on16th August. Other wise Govt will never released any has been already 5 year passed since last recruitment 2016.Decesion is your career is yours…..for more information kindly ping this no 9861833559

  2. Very soon As publish SS new recutiment 2019 last …2019 World Cup India won game …India CHAMPION FINAL INDIA VS PAKISTAN

  3. Election News EXIT poll my own Survey Total MP 21… BJD 12 BJP 8 Congress 1…BJP won Kendrapara…Bhu..Cutt..Dhe..Kala..Bol.. bjd must won Jajpur..baragad..baleswar..

  4. Dear sir/mam as we know the election is very near.and code of conduct is going to implement in orissa march first week.but govt has no planning to pubish and kind by day the unemplyment is increasing.if govt is not declare any vacancey in this month we might be wait for next panchyat election think about this……………..thats why we request to all pls come to strike which is organised at lower pmg bbsr on 7th feburay and make it successful and force to govt release the vacancey before election.again last request to all instead of give comment on social media kindly join us .and spread this news to all group.for more information pls contact below no.
    thanking you
    ct/bed convenor
    durgaprasd mohapatra

  5. orissa ct bed unemployment student association is going to protest and give dharana ,rally at lower pmg bbsr on 7th kindly requested to all come out from ur home and join us and raise our demand other wise there is no chance to hope govt will puplished any kind of teacher recruitment.for more information pls contact below no
    orissa ct bed convenor
    durgaprasad mohapatra


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