The Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission has notified the English Journalist, Tamil Reporter, Jailor (Men), as well as Jailor (Special Prison for Women) jobs (TNPSC). There are a total of 8 available vacancies for Jailors (Men) and Jailors in the Prisons & Correctional Services Branch of the Tamil Nadu Jail Service (Special Prison for Women). There are nine opportunities for English and Tamil Reporters available in the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly Secretariat Service. Candidates who are qualified and interested in applying should do so by October 12 or 13 at the latest.
TNPSC Recruitment 2022: Key Points
Authority official Name | Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission |
Official online Website | |
Name of posts | Jailor & Reporter |
Overall Vacancies | 17 |
End Date For Online Applying | 13.10.22 |
TNPSC Recruitment 2022: Important Information
Vacancy Details:
- English & Tamil Reporter – 09 vacancies
- Jailor – 08 vacancies
Education requirements:
- The Candidates must hold a degree in social work, psychology, or typing from an authorized university.
Age Limit:
- Candidates must be between the ages of 32 and 35, except for those in reserved and special categories.
Application Fee:
- For all the categories fees is Rs.350/-
- For SC/ST/OBC/Ex-Serviceman fees is 0/-
- The selected candidates would receive a monthly salary of Rs. 56100-205700 for Reporter plus Rs. 36900-135100 of Jailor.
Official Web Address:
For additional updates, visit the website at
Application Procedure For TNPSC Recruitment 2022:
- It will display the home page of the online webpage,
- Search the What’s New area for the TNPSC Jailor Employment 2022 Notification.
- . the detail to get additional details.
- A separate page will appear after you . the “Apply online” button.
- After selecting the position, . “Apply.”
- Press “submit” after correctly entering the information.
- . “submit” after collecting the registration fee.
- At this stage, make a hard duplicate of it for your records.