
West Central Railway Apprentice Result 2020 WCR Jabalpur, DRM Bhopal Merit List get


Railway Recruitment Cell (RRC) has released a notification for the engagement of candidates on Apprentice/training at various Divisions/Units/Workshops over West Central Railway. Applications were invited through online mode only for apprenticeship courses at Jabalpur, Kota, Bhopal and Tugalakabad, etc workshops situated at various divisions of West Central Railway Department. The result and selection list for the same will be released very soon. The candidates will be able to get the West Central Railway Apprentice Result from the official website.


RRC WCR Jabalpur, DRM Bhopal Apprentice Merit List

Recruitment Authority Railway Recruitment Cell (RRC)
Department Name West Central Railway
Total Slots 1273
Name of Divisions & Number of Slots
  1. Jabalpur – 1273
  2. Kota:
  3. Bhopal – 570
  4. Nishatpura Bhopal- 200
RRC WCR Apprentice Result Status Very Soon
Official Website


The board will announce the WCR Apprentice Result very soon. The result and merit list will be released on the official website. Aspirants are advised to keep in touch with us for further information and regular updates on Zone Wise Railway Apprentice Results for the session 2018-19.

Selection Process: Selection of the candidates will be on the basis of merit list. The merit list will be prepared on the basis of percentage of marks in matriculation (with minimum 50% (aggregate marks) + ITI marks in the trade in which Apprenticeship is to be done. The panel will be on the basis of the simple average of marks in the matriculation and ITI.

Furthermore, In order to calculate the percentage of matriculation, marks obtained by the candidates in all subjects will be reckoned and not on the basis of marks of any subject or a group of subjects. For the purpose of calculation of the percentage of ITI marks, average marks mentioned in the consolidated statement of marks for all semesters of the trade applied.

Railway Group D Exam Zonewise List

RRC WCR Apprentice Merit List

The West Central Railway Apprentice Merit List will be published on the official website along with the announcement of the results. The RRC West Central Railway Result and Merit List are likely to be announced by the end of February/March 2019.

The qualified candidates will be called up for Document verification and medical examination will be held in opted Divisions/Units, as per the Cluster as mentioned in the candidate’s applications.

RRC West Central Railway Apprentice Result & Selection List – Check Here

A direct detail to get and check the RRC WCR Apprentice Result & Selection list is given below. The detail will be activated as and when the same is released officially.

30 thoughts on “West Central Railway Apprentice Result 2020 WCR Jabalpur, DRM Bhopal Merit List get”

  1. sir kota drm office me documents verification hue the mere 3dec 2019 ko ab tk koi result ni mila na kuch massege kiya site se

  2. sir kota drm office me documents verification hue mere tha 3dec 2019 ko ab tk koi result ni mila na kuch massege kiya site se


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