
Karnataka FCI Watchman Result 2017 Merit List


Karnataka FCI Watchman Result 2017. FCI Karnataka Watchman Result. KAR FCI Watchman Selection List. Merit List & Cut Off Scores


The Food Corporation of India (FCI) Karnataka Region has completed the written examination for Watchman (Chowkidar) posts on 24/09/2017 at various examination centres across the state. In the next phase, the recruitment authority will announce the result for the same very soon. The candidates will be able to check the Karnataka FCI Watchman Result by using the application registration number and password from the official website through the direct detail given below.

The FCI (Food Corporation of India) is recruiting Watchmen at their regional depots and offices. In the same, the applications were received from the eligible candidates for Karnataka Region for filling up 117 vacant posts of Watchmen in July-August 2017. The written test for these posts was commenced on 24/09/2017 at various examination centres.

 FCI Karnataka Watchman Result

Name of Authority Food Corporation of India (FCI)
Region Karnataka
Name of Post Watchman
Total Vacancies 117
Kar FCI Watchman Written Exam Date 24/09/2017
Kar FCI Watchman Answer Key get Here
Karnataka FCI Watchman Result Yet to be announced
Official Website


KAR FCI Watchman (Chowkidar) Cut-Off Scores

The cut-off scores are finalized by the examination authority after looking into various phases for an examination. The Respective State Boards decides the Cutoff score on basis of certain circumstances during the examination and entire recruitment process. The notification with cut-off Marks will be published along with the FCI Karnataka Result 2017.

We will update the expected cut-off marks (category-wise) on this page very soon. The detail will be updated here in this section. So, the postulates are advised to keep visiting this website regularly for KAR FCI Watchman Cut-Off marks and further information on FCI Watchman Recruitment.

Karnataka FCI Watchman Result

The recruitment authority will announce the final result for Karnataka FCI Watchman recruitment on the regional website very soon. As per the notification, the FCI Watchman Selection will be done on basis of the candidate’s performance in the written test and Interview and physical test. So, the candidates must prepare themselves for the Physical Endurance Test as described in the FCI Watchman Recruitment Brochure.

A direct detail to check the Karnataka FCI Watchman Result is given below. The detail will be activated as and when the result is announced officially. The candidates are advised to visit the website regularly for further updates and information on the KAR FCI Watchman Recruitment. The candidates need to enter the registration details like application reg num and date of birth to get the respective FCI Karnataka Watchman result.

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