
TNTET Result 2019 TRB TET Result Paper 1 & Paper 2 results @


Tamil Nadu Teachers Recruitment Board, has completed the examination for the Teachers Eligibility Test (TET) 2019. The TRB TN TET for Paper 1 held on 08/06/2019 while the TN TET Paper 2 held on 09/06/2019.


The candidates can check the TNTET Result 2019 on the board’s official website. The TRB TN TET Result for Paper 1 and TET Result for Paper 2 will be declared on the same day. The TNTET 2019 Results can be checked on the official website through the direct detail given on this page.


Update 20 august: Result for Paper 1 announced. Please see detail below to check TNTET paper 1 Result.

TN TRB TET Paper 1 & Paper 2 result 2019

TRB TNTET Result 2019: Result Date Cut Off Score, Scoring Marks
Exam Authority Tamil Nadu Teacher Recruitment Board
Exam Name TNTET 2019
Examination Date 08/06/2019 & 09/06/2019
Result Status announced for Paper 1
Result release date —————-
Official Web

As per the information, more than 3 Lakh applications were received for TN TRB TET 2019. Now all the candidates are eagerly waiting for the TNTET Results 2019 as they will get a chance to be a teacher in the Government & aided schools of Tamil Nadu only after clearing the TET exam.

Before releasing the TNTET Result and Score, the board will go through a few necessary steps. In the first step, the TRB Board will prepare the provisional answer key for the screening exam. Then it will be published online and candidates will be invited to submit the objections.

TRB TNTET Result Declaration Date

The Aspirants will need to identify the incorrect answers (if any) in the Official answer key. If there is an incorrect answer, it must be submitted for the review. Once you submit the objection, the Board will look after it and assess if the objection is valid or not.

The aspirants must submit the documentary proofs to the board. All objections will be received only in writing. So candidates should make sure that they are submitting the correct objections.

If one fails to produce the valid objection against an answer, the same will be included in the revised key and objection will be disqualified. For that question, no one will get marks credited in the obtained score. So, it is necessary for the candidates to submit the valid objection within the given time frame by the TRB Board.

Tamil Nadu TN TET 2019 Result, Merit List Cut Off Score & details

As we know, the Teacher Recruitment Board (TRB) of Tamil Nadu state is govt. endorsed entity for conducting the TN TET Examination. TRB will declare the Tamil Nadu TET (TNTET) Result within two or three months. Candidates who had applied to appear for the TN TET examination can find their Tamil Nadu TET (TNTET) Result 2019 at the TRB’s official website by using the registration number & date of birth.

The results of the TET Examination with Marks of all the candidates will be released on the website of Teachers Recruitment Board viz. very soon.

Important things to Note:

  • An eligible person who secures 60% or more in the TET Paper I examination will be considered to have passed TET Paper-1. This will be the qualifying marks for the candidates of all the categories. However, relaxation of 5% marks has been provided by the government vide G.O Ms. No. 25 SE (TRB)Dept., dated 06.02.2019 for BC, BCM, MBC/DNC, SC, SCA, ST and PWD candidates.
  • TET Certificate will be issued only to the candidates who have passed TNTET Paper I and paper 2.
  • TN TET Certificate will be valid for 7 years from the date of issue of the certificate.
  • TET qualification is one of the eligibility conditions for appointment. The mere holding of a TET certificate does not confer any right to appointment.

TNTET Paper I weightage marks:

10+2 weightage marks: 15

DTED weightage marks: 25

TNTET weightage marks: 60

TNTET Paper II weightage marks:

10+2 weightage marks: 10

DTED weightage marks: 15

B.Ed weightage marks: 15

TNTET weightage marks: 60

How to get TN TRB TET Result 2019

  • First of all, visit the official website through the detail given below
  • Then . the TNTET Results 2019
  • Fill the required details on the next screen
  • Enter your Registration Number and DOB
  • . Submit Button for the Results
  • Finally, check your respective TN TRB TET result 2019

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