
MDL Admit Card 2017 MDL Trade Apprentice Hall Ticket Exam Date


MDL AdmiT card get & Trade Apprentice Exam date. Mazagon Dock Hall Ticket 2017. MDL Trade Apprentice Admit Card 2017. Mazagon Dockyard Shipbuilders Ltd Trade Apprentice Hall Ticket. Written Exam Date. Paper Pattern


Mazagon Dockyard Shipbuilders Limited is commencing a recruitment for Trade Apprentice. Online applications were invited from candidates who fulfill the eligibility criteria. As the registration process is over, now the authority will conduct a written examination for the same. The MDL Trade Apprentice Admit Card will be released on the official website very soon.

Update 15 Nov: Admit Card for Technical Staff and Operatives in Skilled and Semi-skilled Grades (985 Posts) is available. Please use the detail available below to get .

. To get Technical Posts Admit Card

update: The exam will be conducted on 20 august. The admit card can be get from 14 august.

Update: Admit card available to get . Pls use the detail available below

Online applications were invited from the eligible candidates for various 279 posts in Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Limited (मझगांव डॉकयार्ड शिपबिल्डर्स लिमिटेड) Mumbai. The recruitment authority will organize a written test for these posts very soon. Exam Date for the same is not announced yet. As per the instructions, the admit card will be released 10 days prior to the exam date. Therefore, aspirants are advised to visit the official website for MDL Trade Apprentice exam date and admit card get .

MDL (Mazagon) Trade Apprentice Admit Card 2017

  • Name of the organization: MDL (Mazagon Dock ShipBuilders Limited)
  • Name of vacancy: Trade Apprentice Post
  • Total Posts: 279
  • MDL Trade Apprentice written examination date: Yet to be announced
  • MDL Trade Apprentice Admit Card availability: 10 Days Prior to the exam date
  • Website:

The organization officials will release the  Mazagon Trade Apprentice Exam Admission Card very soon on its website. Candidates can get the call letter by using reg number and date of birth. Postulants must carry the admit card to the written exam, without entry card applicants will not be allowed to enter the examination centre. Follow the below instructions to get the Mazagon Trade Apprentice exam call letter.

MDL Trade Apprentice Paper Pattern 2017:

MDL Trade Apprentice Admit Card

The examination authority will shortly announce the written examination dates for MDL Trade Apprentice jobs. The authority will conduct the written examination according to the below paper pattern. Aspirants can get the official notification for detailed paper pattern and syllabus.

Test Type Subject Marks Duration
Objective Type General KnowledgeReasoning


Numerical Ability

100 2 Hours

Mazagon Trade Apprentice Written Examination Syllabus 2017:


  1. Number Systems
  2. Computation of Whole Numbers
  3. Relationship Between Numbers
  4. Percentage
  5. Time & Distance
  6. Discount
  7. Ratio & Proportion
  8. Simple Interest
  9. Average
  10. Decimals and Fractions
  11. Partnership
  12. Time & Work
  13. Fundamental Arithmetical Operations
  14. Profit & Loss
  15. Use of Tables and Graphs
  16. Mensuration


  1. Coding-Decoding
  2. Situation Reaction Test
  3. Data Sufficiency
  4. Alphabet Test
  5. Puzzle Test
  6. Theme Detection
  7. Analogy
  8. Clocks & Calendars
  9. Logical Venn Diagrams
  10. Deriving Conclusions from Passages
  11. Logic
  12. Inserting The Missing Character
  13. Classification
  14. Series Completion
  15. Logical Sequence of Words
  16. Statement – Arguments
  17. Eligibility Test
  18. Arithmetical Reasoning
  19. Mathematical Operations
  20. Statement – Conclusions
  21. Alpha Numeric Sequence Puzzle
  22. Number, Ranking & Time Sequence


  1. Tenses
  2. Verb
  3. Articles
  4. Error Correction
  5. Conclusion
  6. Grammar
  7. Passage Completion
  8. Vocabulary
  9. Fill in the Blanks
  10. Subject-Verb Agreement
  11. Antonyms
  12. Theme detection
  13. Unseen Passages
  14. Comprehension
  15. Idioms & Phrases
  16. Synonyms
  17. Adverb
  18. Sentence Completion
  19. Word Formation
  20. Sentence Rearrangement

General Knowledge

  1. Indian Constitution
  2. Geography
  3. Sports
  4. Culture
  5. Scientific Research
  6. General Polity
  7. History
  8. Economic Scene
  9. Current Events – International & National etc.

Mazagon Trade Apprentice Admit Card:

As we know, admit card is a mandatory document for aspirants. Admit card contains all information about the candidate like name, dob, photograph etc provided by the candidate during application registration. Examination centre and exam timings are also printed on the exam call letter/hall ticket. Postulants must check the admit card print properly.

If any error exists, applicants must contact the authority before the written examination. In addition, candidates must bring a valid photo identity proof with them. As per the instructions, candidates without admit card print and photo identity proof will not be permitted to enter the examination centre.

How to get MDL (Mazagon Dockyard Shipbuilders Ltd) Trade Apprentice admit card 2017:

  • Firstly, log on the official website of MDL i.e.
  • Find the detail for MDL Trade Apprentice recruitment 2017
  • Then, find the suitable detail for MDL Trade Apprentice admit card
  • Fill the required details like registration number & date of birth
  • Check the filled information properly & . on the proceed button
  • The MDL Trade Apprentice admit card will be displayed on your desktop screen
  • Finally, get and take a valid print out of MDL Trade Apprentice admit card

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